
Gpro tyre calculator
Gpro tyre calculator

In return, you give them a practice and qualifying setup calculator that isn't 100% accurate, but is good enough to attract the use of a fair number of people who don't know any better. : visit the most interesting GPRO Tools pages, well-liked by users from South Africa, or check the rest of data below. You give people a "free" tool that collects their data and puts it into your database. GPRO tools - Setup calculator, Fuel Consumption, Tyre wear, Car wear, Setup weather change, Strategy for race, Total setup (all calculators on one page). Even if that wasn't the original intent behind it, it's very reasonable to assume that's what it's being used for these days.

gpro tyre calculator

There's no other reason for building a massive, centralized database of people's GPRO data other than to use it for analysis.

gpro tyre calculator

Undoubtedly that data IS used by someone else.

gpro tyre calculator

You input your data that is stored for you to use, although there is no indication if it used by someone else. It's an online application developed by some unknown person that gives some tools that aid practice, OA calc, weather conversion and I think some fuel stuff, and some tyre calculations. Quote ( Eduardo Sanchez Carenzo August 11th 2014,17:45:20 )

Gpro tyre calculator