The graphics are stunning, and the gameplay is sure to keep you hooked for hours on end. This new game offers players a whole new adventure to experience, complete with all new pokemon to catch and train. Other new features include a redesigned battle system and Mega Evolutions of older pokemon. The game introduces new starter pokemon, Chespin, Fennekin, and Froakie. It is the sixth generation of the main series and features the new Kalos region. Some new pokemon and fakemons characters will have some new roles and you have to control them, controlling any character will be the main skill you have. Whether you are going to choose the boy character or girl, choose one of them with whom you are going to discover many places. The Whole storyline of Pokemon Y rom is changed from the previous version, now there are just two main characters options and you have to play one of them. Some people argue that downloading a ROM is cheating, while others say that it’s just a way to get ahead of the competition. This has caused much controversy among gamers, who are eager to get their hands on the game. The game has not yet been released, but a leaked copy has already surfaced on the internet. Pokemon Y ROM for the Nintendo 3DS is one of the most anticipated games of the year. Now you can change the suit structure, find a look that suits you and play the game in its own charm. So the overall look of the main character is really awesome to experience. Even you can also choose how to play like a hero in different places like cities etc. The main role in the Y rom is changed this time, now you’ll be able to play the role of the main character as a boy or a girl choose whatever you want to play.